WhisperClaims' App Updates for July

Claim Navigation and Email Fixes | July 2021 Updates

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New features

1) Claim navigation
We’ve made it so that the only way for you to navigate through the question set is to use the app’s back and next buttons. We’d noticed that using the browser back button could occasionally cause data loss, so this change will prevent future issues! 



We’ve been working on making sure that all of the emails sent by the app reach you. We’ve upgraded our mail provider and fixed some small issues in the app that were causing emails to go astray.

Coming up:

  • We’re working to migrate to a new direct debit payment provider. This won’t make any difference to our customers that pay using direct debit, but it will make it easier for us to manage the payment side of the app.
  • We’re just about to release a new, more polished PDF version of the report. This is something you’ve been asking for for some time, so enjoy a sneak peek of our work in progress below…any and all feedback on our progress is welcome—we’re planning to release it mid-August.

How to write an R&D tax relief technical narrative

With HMRC’s new mandatory requirement for project descriptions on all submissions, we wanted to share our experiences to help others to write their best possible technical narratives.

Available to download here.

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