Notes and Renewals | June 2022

Author: Jen Badger Published: 30th June, 2022

New Features


The first of our big achievements of the month was our notes feature. This was developed in response to client feedback, and the users that asked for this had a range of reasons to use it. These included:

  • Explain the rationale behind an answer, in case of later queries or questions about the claim.
  • Communicating with other colleagues working on a claim.
  • Communicating with collaborators.
  • Indicating questions where placeholder responses have been used, or further thought is needed. 

Of course, there will be as many use cases for this feature as we have subscribers!

It’s super simple to use – in each question, you now have a notes icon. Clicking this opens the notes panel, allowing you to read notes added by colleagues or collaborators, add new notes and delete or edit your previous notes. The notes are timestamped, so you know who left them and when.

Renewals dashboard

Another feature developed in response to client feedback, the renewals dashboard makes it easier for you to identify which client claims are available to work on and is designed as a prompt for you to either re-engage the client, or just get started on the next claim! 

The dashboard simply lists all clients where you have finished and paid for a claim but haven’t added a claim for the next claim year. To make the process of starting the next claim even easier, you’ve also got the ability to start the next claim for a client directly from the dashboard!

Removal of the Adsum referral link

Our partnership with Adsum ended this month, so we’ve removed the link from the download page of the app. If you’re still interested in exploring R&D-based loans for your client, please let us know and we can pass your details along.

Change to Employment Allowance treatment

When the changes to the EA were brought in in 2020 HMRC issued no guidance as to how to treat this de minimis funding, so we made the decision to route this small amount through RDEC. Recently, HMRC have clarified that they would prefer EA allowance to be completely excluded from R&D claims, so we’ve updated the app to reflect this. 


A couple of small bug fixes this month:

  • We noticed that users were taken to a blank screen if they finalised a claim that had already been paid for. We’ve fixed this now so users are taken to the client screen instead.
  • We noticed that the feedback for the shareholdings question was not behaving as expected, so we’ve fixed this too!

Coming up:

  • Hot on the heels of the notes feature, we’re working on giving you read-only access to paid-for claims. This will allow you to access paid-for claims at any time to be able to check what answers you gave to the questions and access any notes you added.
  • We’re working on a host of small changes to our back-end that will allow our sales and support teams to work with you more efficiently and effectively. 
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