Product Update: Summer 2024

Author: Jen Badger Published: 6th August, 2024

Welcome to the latest update from WhisperClaims. We’ve been hard at work refining our software to bring you even more value and efficiency.

In this quarter’s releases, we’re very happy to introduce a host of small but not insignificant new features that will increase the quality and accuracy of your claims.

For the past few months our developers have worked hard to finish off some internal features that have made it much easier for our support team to respond to clients’ issues. Alongside this they’ve built a load of exciting new features:

Improved collaborator management

In response to client feedback we have focused on enhancing the management of collaborators for our users. Users can now resend invitations to collaborators who either did not receive the initial invite email, or more commonly, cannot locate it when they are ready to work on the claim. Additionally we have enabled users to ‘un-submit’ claims that their collaborators have submitted, allowing them to re-enter and make further edits after their initial review.

Removal of top-down and narrative only claim options

As planned since August of last year, we have removed the option to prepare narrative-only or top-down cost claims. These methods are less accurate and do not fully align with the requirements of the Additional Information Form. By removing them we ensure that every claim prepared through WhisperClaims meets HMRC’s accuracy standards.

Background calculations

We have added a background calculations section to the last page of the Additional Information Form (AIF) output, to help users understand how the app derives certain figures and decisions. Currently, this section includes calculations related to a claim’s R&D-intensive /  SME status. In the near future, we will expand it to include additional calculations such as the expected tax benefit and the impact of the PAYE/NIC cap.

Improved post-checkout signposting

Over the past few months we’ve received questions from our users about what to do after paying for a claim. To address this we’ve added clearer guidance post-checkout to ensure all users know how to handle each output from a claim. Additionally, we’ve updated our icons to make it obvious which output is which.

Improved payment management

We’ve enhanced our payment management system allowing users to update and change their payment methods independently. Additionally, we’ve revised our approach to handling missed subscription payments. Instead of being locked out of the app, users can now log in, update their payment methods and settle any outstanding payments.


Do you have any feedback or questions about these new features? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to our support team and we’ll be happy to assist you.

If you are not already a customer and would like to find out more about our Advice Line support and see a demo of our innovative software, why not get in touch and book a demo?

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WhisperClaims is a registered trademark of Wobbegong Technology Ltd (Trade Mark No.: UK00003360482).


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