Welcome to the latest update from WhisperClaims. We’ve been hard at work refining our software to bring you even more value and efficiency. Over the past couple of months we’ve been working to improve how you manage collaborators, expand the competent professionals question and update the EPWs section.
Following on from some feedback from users, we’ve expanded the competent professional’s question to gather more information. You can now add details of the people leading the project, including their names, qualifications, experience and anything else you think would be helpful to HMRC when assessing the claim. Although this isn’t required by HMRC and isn’t part of the Additional Information Form, users have let us know that this is often something that HMRC ask for in the event of an enquiry, and is thus something they like to gather initially.
Alongside this, we’ve made some tweaks to make it easier to manage your collaborators. All collaborator functionality has been moved into the Collaborators tab in the claim view, so you can now check if your collaborators have signed in, resend invites or edit collaborator details without leaving the claim.
Finally, we’ve expanded the EPWs questions to comply fully with the Additional Information Form. You’ll now have to state whether any work was done overseas during the claim period, and then fill out more details about each individual EPW, including location and PAYE reference. For claims starting before 1st April 2024 these details won’t make any difference to the costs that you can include in a claim, but they are needed when you fill out the AIF.
We’ll soon be launching our updated, merged-and-ERIS-scheme-compliant app, which will enable you to prepare accurate claims for periods starting on or after 1st April 2024.
Do you have any feedback or questions about these new features? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to our support team and we’ll be happy to assist you.
If you are not already a customer and would like to find out more about our Advice Line support and see a demo of our innovative software, why not get in touch and book a demo?
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WhisperClaims is a registered trademark of Wobbegong Technology Ltd (Trade Mark No.: UK00003360482).