A mockup of WhisperClaims Guide "How to write an R&D tax relief technical narrative"

Learn how to write an R&D tax relief narrative with our handy guide

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Anyone active in the R&D tax relief sector will tell you that one of the hardest aspects of preparing claims is writing technical narratives.

WhisperClaims’ has created a detailed guide to help accounting firms, like your own, produce exceptional technical narratives.

The guide is packed with hints, tips, and best practice solutions. As part of WhisperClaims’ commitment to providing a robust framework for accountants submitting R&D claims, the guide is free to access:

Download it Here

What’s included in the guide?

WhisperClaims’ experts have created a comprehensive explanation of every piece of the narrative, including:

  • Technical baseline: What is it? How can you best persuade HMRC to accept the claim?
  • Technical advance: What work counts towards R&D? What makes your narrative eligible for a successful claim?
  • Technological uncertainties: How does HMRC define an uncertainty? How can you tailor your response to highlight the contributions to R&D?
  • Technological resolutions: What does HMRC want to see from this section? How should you link this to the above pieces?

We want to give your practice a shoulder to lean on when it comes to your R&D claims.

To find out how WhisperClaims could help with your R&D requirements, please get in touch or visit our website.

How to write an R&D tax relief technical narrative

With HMRC’s new mandatory requirement for project descriptions on all submissions, we wanted to share our experiences to help others to write their best possible technical narratives.

Available to download here.

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